Bread Beckers

Open All Day Every Day

305 Bell Park Dr Woodstock, GA 30188

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"I was SO happy to find video classes on line. I live too far away to come to the store. I haven't been baking as much bread as I would like even though I have the wheat/beans, etc/mill/bread maker because I have been unsuccessful in my efforts at making bread that tastes good and is at the right consistency. My family ate my bread but didn't really enjoy it. I watched the entire Bread 101 class and immediately dusted off my appliances and made a terrific loaf of bread following the hints and instructions on the video. I am more confident I will be making our bread instead of giving in to temptation and buying fresh baked store bread for my family. It's great to have this on-line option to learn. Your generosity in providing this information is greatly appreciated."

S.A.S., OH
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