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The Essential Home-Ground Flour Book by Sue Becker
"A sincere thank you for all the TLC you have provided in educating tens of thousands of people like Susan and I. You have truly been a blessing to us."
B.V., FL
A sincere thank you for all the TLC you have provided in educating tens of thousands of people like Susan and I. You have truly been a blessing to us.
B.V., FL
Thank you so much! This is so new to me...I am grateful for all the advise and video classes.
K.W., CA
I have been ordering from Bread Beckers for years through my local co-op and I have found all your grains to last and never get bugs, very happy with your whisper mill (now WonderMill) as it has lasted me all these years also. About 7 or 8 years now, thank you for such good products and grains, God bless your business always!
S.B., FL
I just want you to know that I really appreciate your customer service. You are The standard! You are awesome.
Really enjoyed Bread Making 101 video class! I'm calling to order everything demonstrated.
H.S., OH
I just want to say that I LOVE the videos
available online. I have been milling our grain and baking for the past 9 yrs. but when I watched the Bread Making 101 video, I learned a few things and discovered some suggestions that would improve my baking.
C.C., GA
I have noticed recently in your video classes that there have been more "tips" mentioned on how to make food preparation quicker / adjust to a different schedule (such as making rolls ahead of time and freezing, then thawing/rising day of), which I love and find quite helpful. Thank you!
J.R., OH
Y'all are the greatest. Loved your Bread Making 101 class that I came to and have watched the perfect pizza one online twice. We now make pizza all the time. Also love your short class for busy families.
A.H., GA
Thank you - we just got the order today Tuesday! You do a great job getting orders out. Love the baguette pan. Am excited to use the new breadmaker.
D.F., FL
I certainly do appreciate it!! Thank you so much for the excellent service!
C.P., VA
I have been watching your 5-hour presentation of Getting Started. Great way for me to get your info. at my convenience. I'm already "hooked" and received my grain mill this week and it's already had a workout. My family is delighted!
D.C., GA
I've sent a couple emails over the last couple weeks asking questions and you all have been so wonderful in answering them for me. I am on a journey to understand what good nutrition is and your online classes have helped me. I am also about to finish What the Bible Says About Healthy Living. I just read Sue's article The Facts About Fats. It was very good, also very technical, I had my husband read it with me to help me understand it better. It really does help confirm that God has a design and plan for everything.
J.S., GA
BTW, kuddos on the web streaming. They are coming out great! I'm telling everyone about them. I've had my mill for just over 1 year and recently purchased my kitchen assistant. It was a great help to actually see how to use my mixer and what the dough should look like, and even to visually see the order of ingredients and why. I was not able to spend as much time at your booth at HEAV like I wanted to. I have had all kinds of burning questions in my mind. As I download the classes, the questions are getting answered. It's been truly like having Julia in my kitchen only better.
K.W., VA
Denise, can't thank you enough for this. I had actually watched this video (Bosch Universal Demo) when I was first deciding on purchasing the mixer but had forgotten all the info from it.
G.S., FL
I've watched the Bread Making 101 class online and even though I have made our bread for several years using my Nutrimill and DLX mixer I learned a lot! It was very helpful to see (on the video) Ashley mix the dough and now I understand a little more just what to do. Your business has been a tremendous ministry to myself and my family. Thanks for all you do!
M.D., LA
I have been looking at your video Gluten Free 101. Thank you for your help! Love your videos.
R.W., GA
I just wanted to say a huge thanks to you. I so appreciate being able to watch the videos of the classes
online. I have wanted to come to your classes ever since I found out about them, but living in central Florida makes that difficult. ( I did see you years ago at the FPEA Homeschool Convention in Orlando and that's when I started milling.) You offer a wealth of information that really needs to be shared. Thanks for not charging for the online classes. It blesses my heart that you are willing to share your knowledge. I feel like I lack so much knowledge and am saddened that I did not receive the knowledge from my own mother. You are being a great mother to many people. Thanks again.
M.G., FL
Thank you sooooo much!!! I will definitely be checking these out and ordering at least the first cookbook you recommended. I was also checking out your grains, and am SOOOOOO excited to see all that you offer, at such reasonable prices! So looking forward to being a faithful customer!
S.H., GA
Dear Bread Beckers,I received Bread of Idleness CD this morning and am enjoying it as I type this. Thank you so much for your quick response.
J.B., IL
Just wanted to let you all know that I watched the Perfect Pizza video online and then tonight made Chicken Alfredo, BBQ, loaded potato and dessert pizza and they all were such a hit and everyone was so surprised how good it all turned out. Wanted to say THANK YOU to Sue and all her staff in providing such good teachings in healthy food and for live streaming it as well, so so much appreciated !!
S.M., GA
Thank you for all that you do and for the wonderful recipes that you have given us. Our family just started eating this way and I already see a difference in my sugar levels (I am diabetic). Looking forward to watching the rest of the Healthy Eating Videos and changing the way our family eats.
K.H., VA
Last Saturday my husband and I went to your store to purchase a wondermill and get started with milling our own flour. I have baked my own bread for years with King Arthur Whole Wheat flour and thought I was doing something great for my family. Then, a friend introduced me to this idea. After a week of eating freshly milled sandwich bread, rolls, and french bread, I could never go back to eating any other bread! What a fantastic taste! And, I could see a difference with my kids in just 24 hours. To put it delicately, my 8-year-old and 2-year-old 'struggle' in the bathroom. No longer! Each day - easy. That alone was worth the money and time!! Also, I lost weight this week. How is that possible when I ate more bread in a single week than I ever have?
Thanks so much for your super prompt answer! This info was very helpful and has eased my mind.
V.S., GA
Hi there! I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the Irish Southern Infusion class this morning. It was really fun!
S.F., ND
Lots of helpful information here ... answers so many questions I have had! Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.
D.H., VA
Also, my family is LOVING all of the recipes that I have tried from your cookbook and your videos. Each time, they say that they taste better than the original "worse-for-you" recipe - Even my pickiest eater!
D.H., VA
I was personally in your store on Wednesday, March 14, 2012, and purchased a Junior Wondermill. It was not in stock at the time, but was assured it would be delivered to the store sometime within the week, and it would be shipped to me immediately. I received the package at my house on Friday, March 16th! That is the most awesome service I have ever received, and I would like to thank you for your prompt attention to this, and for the courteous help and knowledge we receive from the young ladies that work there.
D.M., GA
I was SO happy to find video classes on line. I live too far away to come to the store. I haven't been baking as much bread as I would like even though I have the wheat/beans, etc/mill/bread maker because I have been unsuccessful in my efforts at making bread that tastes good and is at the right consistency. My family ate my bread but didn't really enjoy it. I watched the entire Bread 101 class and immediately dusted off my appliances and made a terrific loaf of bread following the hints and instructions on the video. I am more confident I will be making our bread instead of giving in to temptation and buying fresh baked store bread for my family. It's great to have this on-line option to learn. Your generosity in providing this information is greatly appreciated.
S.A.S., OH
I am sooooooo impressed with your company! I feel like you sent me a new life when I opened my box. I can't wait to purchase more from you in the future! My bread items have been amazing this week! We have ate something I made for every meal and snack since Monday night and I have to tell you the hype is right! I feel so much better and my family doesn't mind eating the healthy stuff now! It tastes so much better fresh ground! I had no clue until I found you by accident one day on the computer. I'm so thankful you were brought into our lives! My son is 15 months old and the sense of pride I have when I feed him now is like nothing I have felt except for nursing him! I feel like I'm giving him the gift of a healthier life since he will learn from such an early age that healthy foods can also be good foods! I really want to Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
C.S., OH
I attended the beginners class that you taught this past Saturday. I wanted to say thank you for a wonderful day. I enjoyed every minute. Your bread is so delicious.
I just finished watching the Perfect Pizza class online. Wow! You guys are
so thoughtful to put those classes on your website.
M.W., NC
You guys are great! Each person I've talked to has been very helpful! I really appreciate it - being a new student at this way of cooking! Also, I have learned so much by watching your cooking videos! Thank you for your service in helping people get more healthy!
J.D., TX
...We were very impressed with the store, the selection, the quality of products, and the helpfulness of your employees. We're looking forward to being a long-time customer.
*Oh, and I love the archived videos! We are 2 and a half hours away so the videos are great since attending classes will be difficult. Thanks again
I've just discovered your site today, and I've found the information and video clips to be so useful, clear and well-presented. What a blessing - thank you!
I am pleased to receive my order today already- thank you so much for your speedy processing of my order.
Thanks to all of you, and especially Ashley, for the wonderful videos you have posted on so many topics -- but especially the Assistent. We recently received one, and I felt so much better prepared to use it after watching and rewatching the videos, and taking notes.
I see your video referred to many, many times within the bread making communities found on The Fresh Loaf and the Yahoo Mixer-Owners group. There really is nothing else out there like it: a practical, hands-on, extremely helpful tutorial. You may chuckle, but my four-year-old BOY loves to watch it (and the other videos) along with me, and he's picking up a lot! You have truly gone a long way toward picking up the slack left by the rather spare Assistent manual.
I wish we had known about The Bread Beckers before our initial mixer purchase, but we didn't. We only happened upon your site later, but are so glad we did.
Thank you for this terrific gift to home bread bakers!
I love Bread Beckers... your original BB cookbook is excellent. I've just "touched the surface" of grinding and doing things the natural way.
First of all, I want to say that I love your website and your videos. I am trying to incorporate the healthy living steps. I have started baking my own bread and I am watching your videos . I am learning so much
I just want to say thank you...I've been milling my wheat since sometime in March and I love it. My family is much healthier and the bread is delicious. I have had the hardest time getting my bread to rise and not fall until this weekend. I watched the baking for busy families with Ashley and even though I didn't use the bread machine her tips made all the difference. I had my first loaf of bread that rose perfectly, didn't fall, and didn't fall apart when we cut it. Thanks again for all of the info you provide to people.
I am loving the videos. I have been lax lately in baking with whole wheat and Ashley is getting me inspired to get with the program (of eating healthy) again!
Love, love, love the online videos. I watched the Bread making 101 video and the Busy Moms video, ordered my supplies and felt I knew exactly what do when everything came. I followed the tips from the videos and in my very first milling and baking session I made a loaf of bread, blueberry muffins and cinnamon rolls in no time!
H.T., NC
Hear the "Life with Hope and Friend Sue Becker" podcast of 7/12/13, presented by Hope Egan, where Sue refutes much of the mis-information about wheat!
Just wanted you to know that as part of my high schooler's curriculum for health I make them watch and take notes on Basic Healthy Eating.