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Food Storage for the Health of It
Food Storage for the Health of It

Food Storage for the Health of It

SKU: 03398
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Price: $14.95
Product Details
Food Storage for the Health of It - Azrcka Bedgood

Needless to say most of us are at least mildly concerned about the state of America's economy.  For many of us this has us once again thinking about food storage and at least preparing for a natural disaster.

Many books on the subject either make food storage too complicated or give no consideration about the nutritional value of the food stored.  However, "Food Storage for the Health of It" gives a thorough discussion of the different nutrients needed by the body and their food sources.  A chapter on many different grains and beans, with nutritional data on serving sizes and nutritional qualities, is included as well.
Good storage options of fats and oils, sweeteners, nuts and seeds are presented, as well as suggestions for useful equipment to have on hand such as grain mills, dehydrators, mixers, etc.

The book is full of practical information about sprouting, juicing, creating a 1 year food storage or just a 72 hour emergency disaster storage.

It is broken down into a very readable and practical format including cooking times for the grains and beans, and recipe ideas and even menu ideas from your storage.

While I do not agree with every point made in this book, (such as some of the oil and sweetener suggestions*) I think it is wonderfully comprehensive and practical.
A very valuable book to own!!!!

* I would recommend the molasses granules and honey crystals as sweeteners instead of white sugar, brown sugar or powdered sugar.  I also have some concerns about Canola Oil.

Overall,  this is one of the most practical and nutritionally sound books on the subject of food storage I've seen, without getting "weird" or "way out there".  Even if you do not feel led to store food, the book is full of valuable nutritional information.  However, we would all be wise to at least be prepared for a short term emergency - if for no other reason than to be a blessing to others!!


"Food Storage for the Health of it"

on 5/21/2013 6:47:10 PM

Remarks: I really gained a lot of useful information from this book, especially how to get the most nutritional value for my dollar spent on food. I now know what grans will give me vitamin C when oranges can't be found. I recommend this book to anyone new or experienced at storing food as a reference guide.


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