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"I just want to say thank you...I've been milling my wheat since sometime in March and I love it. My family is much healthier and the bread is delicious. I have had the hardest time getting my bread to rise and not fall until this weekend. I watched the baking for busy families with Ashley and even though I didn't use the bread machine her tips made all the difference. I had my first loaf of bread that rose perfectly, didn't fall, and didn't fall apart when we cut it. Thanks again for all of the info you provide to people."

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Freshlife Sprouter FL3000 Automatic
Freshlife Sprouter FL3000 Automatic
Freshlife Sprouter FL3000 Automatic
Freshlife Sprouter FL3000 Automatic
Freshlife Sprouter FL3000 Automatic
Freshlife Sprouter FL3000 Automatic
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Freshlife Sprouter FL3000 Automatic

SKU: 09580
Brand: Tribest
You can earn 160 Bread Bucks on this product!
Price: $159.95
Product Details
Freshlife Sprouter FL3000 Automatic

Special Features of the "FreshLife Sprouter"

  • FreshLife Sprouter is for indoor use only in room temperatures of 65°F to 85°F(18.3°C ~ 29.4°C) for the sole purpose of growing sprouts and cereal grasses, and for no other purposes.
  • FreshLife Sprouter features an automatic sprinkling system to produce fresh, nutritious and tender sprouts.
  • FreshLife Sprouter is inexpensive to operate and easy to clean
  • FreshLife Sprouter enables you to enjoy nutritional natural food all year round.
  • FreshLife Sprouter enables you to grow your own nutritional sprouts and wheatgrass! Wheatgrass has been proven to be one of the most nutritional foods on the earth
Expandable to Grow More

FreshLife Sprouter is expandable to allow you to grow two times the sprouts! Just purchase a second sprout barrel from us to double your sprouting area. No other tools are necessary; just add the second barrel on top, place the seeds and plug it's that simple! The expansion kit includes an extra barrel, top and bottom seed trays, the water tube assembly, and three stainless steel clips for support.

Helpful Notes
  • Soaking your seeds overnight before placing them in the sprouter will help the sprouts grow faster.
  • We recommend using organically grown seeds for better results. For more information about seeds, please inquire with a customer department at Tribest Corp.
  • Old seeds (more than a year old) may produce rotten sprouts or may delay their growth.
  • If the water does not sprinkle within 30 seconds after the machine is turned on, reassemble the WATER PRESSURE CONTROL TUBES.
  • We recommend minimizing the exposure of the sprouts to light by covering the lid with a dark colored cloth, especially for yellow sprouts, such as soybean sprout. In green sprouts, this will yield a more tender taste. Just remove the cloth cover a few hours before harvesting in order to activate the chlorophyll in the sprouts.
  • If fatter sprouts are desired, add some weight on top of the UPPER SEED TRAY (example: pebbles). Make sure that what you use for weight is clean.
  • We recommend changing the water in the WATER BARREL every 1-2 days. If using a solution of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (1 table spoon to a barrel of water), this may not be necessary. It is normal and natural to have some foam floating on the water in the WATER BARREL during cultivation.

Freshlife Cleaning Instruction.

  1. Unplug the unit from the electric outlet
  2. Disassemble the unit.
  3. Wash the LID, SPLINKLER, SEED TRAYS, WATER TUBE, PRESSURE CONTROL TUBE and SPROUT BARREL throughly with cold or lukewarm water.
  4. The WATER BARREL and the MOTOR CHAMBER are attached together. Do not emerge the WATER BARREL into the water when cleaning. Clean the inside of the WATER BARREL with water andwipe the outside of the WATER BARREL with a clean towel.
