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Whats for Dinner? by Curtis Stone (hardback)

Whats for Dinner? by Curtis Stone (hardback)

SKU: 09683
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Price: $35.00
Product Details
What's For Dinner? by Curtis Stone

"This book is all about dividing and conquering the busy week with super-simple recipes for every night of the week. From Motivating Mondays to Family Supper Sundays—all these little angles make meal-planning easier."

"I have cooked in hundreds of different homes around the globe and while the challenges vary from house to house, one is common to them all: Everybody has a busy life. Each day of the week presents its own sets of challenges, and the right recipe is one that works at the right time. Whether you’re looking for healthier fare, living on a budget, or having friends over for dinner on Saturday, this book can help you put a delicious meal on the table every night of the week. "

  • Motivating Mondays: Healthy meals that start the week off right
  • Time-Saving Tuesdays: Quick and easy recipes for simple meals
  • One-Pot Wednesdays: Flavorful dishes with minimal cleanup
  • Thrifty Thursdays: Yummy meals on a budget
  • Five-Ingredient Fridays: Fun, fast recipes to kick off the weekend
  • Dinner Party Saturdays: Extraordinary dishes to share with friends and family
  • Family Supper Sundays: Comforting, slow-simmering food for relaxing around the table

Don’t forget sweet treats such as Peach and Almond Cobbler and Olive Oil Cake with Strawberry-Rhubarb Compote. Loaded with enticing photos, What’s for Dinner? will inspire you and bring confidence to your kitchen and happiness to your table.
