Bread Beckers

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305 Bell Park Dr Woodstock, GA 30188

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"I am sooooooo impressed with your company! I feel like you sent me a new life when I opened my box. I can't wait to purchase more from you in the future! My bread items have been amazing this week! We have ate something I made for every meal and snack since Monday night and I have to tell you the hype is right! I feel so much better and my family doesn't mind eating the healthy stuff now! It tastes so much better fresh ground! I had no clue until I found you by accident one day on the computer. I'm so thankful you were brought into our lives! My son is 15 months old and the sense of pride I have when I feed him now is like nothing I have felt except for nursing him! I feel like I'm giving him the gift of a healthier life since he will learn from such an early age that healthy foods can also be good foods! I really want to Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

C.S., OH
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Wheat Hard Red ORGANIC  42lbs. 6 gal. Bckt.
Wheat Hard Red ORGANIC 42lbs. 6 gal. Bckt.

Wheat Hard Red ORGANIC 42lbs. 6 gal. Bckt.

SKU: 08060
Brand: BBI
Container: Bucket 6 Gal
Type: Organic
Origin: USA
Newsletter: aug2022
You can earn 63 Bread Bucks on this product!
Price: $63.68
Product Details
Wheat Hard Red ORGANIC 42lbs. 6 gal. Bckt.
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"Hard Red wheat"

on 10/16/2023 4:31:05 PM

Remarks: Ok, you've ruined me for life. Made ground flour dough today...I've never tasted whole wheat flour that tasted fresh and wholesome. Thank you!!!! Made monkey bread today .. tomorrow who knows but I do know it will be delicious!!!!! Thank you!!!


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