Bread Beckers

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Preparedness - When All Plans Fail

Preparedness - When All Plans Fail
Preparedness - When All Plans Fail

Dr. Paul Williams is a nationally known speaker and author and we are very excited to have him come share this timely message. Register soon – you won’t want to miss it.

Whether a national disaster or local power outage, we all need to be prepared. Dr. Paul Williams will share his step by step plan for getting prepared.

Practical things! Everyday things! No hype, no fear. Just doing what is practical and prudent.

In this same spirit, you can prepare for potential disasters in a way that will make you ready rather than a victim – and help others who can’t help themselves. Dr. Williams, will challenge us all to step forward and be prepared and reminds us that as followers of Jesus we have a secret code for all emergencies: "Dial” Psalm: 91:1


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