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"You guys are great! Each person I've talked to has been very helpful! I really appreciate it - being a new student at this way of cooking! Also, I have learned so much by watching your cooking videos! Thank you for your service in helping people get more healthy!"

J.D., TX
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The Bread Beckers HOLIDAY Recipes 2010
The Bread Beckers HOLIDAY Recipes 2010

The Bread Beckers HOLIDAY Recipes 2010

SKU: 03399
Brand: BBI
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Price: $6.00
Product Details
The Bread Beckers HOLIDAY Recipes 2010


"Just OK"

on 5/16/2015 9:27:22 AM

Remarks: I was hoping for another book like The Bread Beckers Recipe Collection that gives you ideas on how to use your milled wheat, etc. This book is more based on any recipe that customers send in that doesn't use processed foods (white sugar for example). So, for example, you end up with a dip, sauce, or salad recipe that has nothing to do with milled wheat. I only found a couple recipes that I thought were truly what I was looking for. I really would like to see another Bread Beckers recipe book, wi... More details


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