Bread Beckers

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305 Bell Park Dr Woodstock, GA 30188

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The Essential Home-Ground Flour Book by Sue Becker


"I am sooooooo impressed with your company! I feel like you sent me a new life when I opened my box. I can't wait to purchase more from you in the future! My bread items have been amazing this week! We have ate something I made for every meal and snack since Monday night and I have to tell you the hype is right! I feel so much better and my family doesn't mind eating the healthy stuff now! It tastes so much better fresh ground! I had no clue until I found you by accident one day on the computer. I'm so thankful you were brought into our lives! My son is 15 months old and the sense of pride I have when I feed him now is like nothing I have felt except for nursing him! I feel like I'm giving him the gift of a healthier life since he will learn from such an early age that healthy foods can also be good foods! I really want to Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

C.S., OH
More testimonials

The Bread of Idleness CD ***FREE*** (Limit 1 per order)
The Bread of Idleness CD ***FREE*** (Limit 1 per order)

The Bread of Idleness CD ***FREE*** (Limit 1 per order)

SKU: 03382
Brand: BBI
Product Details
The Bread of Idleness CD ***FREE*** (Limit 1 per order)

A 90 minute audio CD by Sue Becker. Recorded at a presentation in 1998, Sue presents the Biblical, nutritional, and health reasons why it is so important to use FRESHLY GROUND FLOURS for making bread.

Do you have a friend you think would enjoy this CD?  Just click the "Tell a Friend" button and send them a message with the link back here!

(All though we offer this CD free, it is Copyrighted Material)

For written articles by Sue Becker, please go to Articles


"What every family must know!"

on 10/7/2013 9:32:02 AM

Remarks: I teach a Back-to-Basics class several times throughout the year and after listening to a friends CD, I now include these details...need the CD to review the dedtails that includes information that every must know! Thanks!!!!


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on 6/2/2013 8:50:18 PM

Remarks: I felt the Lord speaking to me through Proverbs 31 one day when the line "she eats not her bread in idleness" kept coming to mind at the most random times. It was not long after this that I came across this CD. When I read the title I couldn't believe it, as God had also been speaking to me about claiming health back for my family. I had also decided to start making wheat bread and even spoke with a friend about it. It was amazing to see everything coming together. Once I heard Sue's CD I had to... More details


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"Wealth of information!"

on 5/22/2013 12:44:55 PM

Remarks: Well worth the time to listen to!


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"I love it!"

on 7/6/2012 12:12:40 AM

Remarks: I wish you had an mp3 download so I could load it on my iPod.


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"The truth will set you free"

on 3/17/2012 4:56:30 AM

Remarks: Even though this CD is over 13 yrs old, the message is still powerful. I listened and I am now convicted by God to gather my own manna and give my family their daily bread! God bless your family for sharing your 90 min testimony. I'm saving to purchase a mill to grind fresh wheat.


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